Thursday, March 10, 2011

My doings

So this month has been really busy with doctor visits, dentists visits, and everything else.  Plus we are all going through another round of colds.  I really mean to blog more often but find myself doing other things.  I have pictures I need to post of birthdays and other events.  Thankfully we have one more appointment tomorrow and then we should be done for awhile.  Sheila had her doctors visit last week and ended up with an ear infection so is on antibiotics now.  Her bus is also coming at 6:30 a.m. now and we are having to get up a lot earlier.  Ray and I both went to bed by 9 last night.

Kimberly now has 8 teeth and two molars.  The 8th tooth broke through today.  The molars showed up the 1st.  Her other two molars on the other side are trying to come through too.  She also climbed the entire ladder up onto the top bunk all by herself.  I now put up the ladder during the day.  I don't think she would be able to get down by herself.

Timmy is now registered for preK next year.  Hopefully he will get in.  I registered the minute it came up.  If he does I will be driving every day next year to pick him up.  He will ride the bus in the morning with Sheila but will only be going for half a day.

We are going on a fun trip for spring break.  We are headed down to Orlando and spending a few days down there at Busch Gardens and Disney World.  Ray's entire family is suppose to be going.  I think the kids will have a lot of fun. The Sesame characters are now at Busch Gardens so I think Timmy will really love that.

Well, I will try to get the pictures up soon.  Sorry my blogging is so sporadic.


Tiffany said...

You sound so busy. Your spring break sounds like fun. I'm glad you are back to blogging. I have missed you. (Ps-I blog more for me than anyone else. Like journaling.:)

Razzle Dazzle Mom said...

I understand sporadic blogging! :) But I do love reading updates of what is going on. Busch Gardens sounds fun, be sure to share pics!