Monday, March 1, 2010

Goal update

10 things I look forward to:

1. trip to Idaho-planning away.
2. Winter olympics-watched and enjoyed.
3. Ray's raise-still waiting but really should be this month.  I know I keep saying that but I keep hoping.
4. "Tower of Midnight"- unfortunately that is not being released until December but I am now reading Percy Jackson and the Olympians among other books.
5. Kimberly's firsts-rolled over a few more times and is trying to sit up.
6. new van-well, we got a SUV instead. We got a 2009 Kia Borrego EX Limited. It was used but only had 7000 miles on it so we got it for a really good deal.
7. beach-will start to go this month once the weather warms up a little more.
8. Sheila going to kindergarten-in the fall.
9. temple-probably not until the summer since Kimberly is so little and the temple is so far away.  Will also try to start going quarterly.
10. moving-that may not happen this year but I would like to start fixing up the little things in our house at least. Plan on painting this fall.

10 Goals for 2010

1. learn to use my serger-will get it out next month.  This month will be scrapbooking again.
2. finish Old Testament-figured out I need to read 2-3 chapter a day to finish in a year.  Have been reading about 2 most of February.  I am now in First Chronicles.  The first chapters are geneaology with some fun names to try to pronounce.
3. catch up on one scrapbook-my cousin gave me a good idea to start current and then work to catch up.  Since I only have to Halloween pictures printed out I have been working on those pictures for all the books. 
4. paint the inside of the house-plan to start that this fall but may do one small room before then.
5. finish the "Work and the Glory," "Harry Potter," and "Twilight" series again. I am almost done with the 8th book of the "Work and the Glory."
6. make my own cookbook-started typing up favorite recipes.  I also got a cricut cartridge to add embellishments as I print them out.  I will wait until I get a few more recipes to start printing since I just barely started going through my cooking recipes.
7. lost 1-2 more pounds. I am walking about 5000-7000 steps most day.  Have gotten up to almost 10000.  Since the weather has been cold I have started jogging/marching in place while I do chores around the house for at least 20 minutes.  I am also leaving two bites at most meals still.  I wish the pounds were coming off faster but I am still breast feeding and it has seemed like I will hit a plateau and then suddenly will have a big lost again and then another plateau so I am not too worried.
8. make over $200 at the fair-have a few projects done and working away.
9. get a fence and new shed-hopefully this spring or fall.
10. start writing again-focusing on the cookbook but have a story formulating in my head plus want to finish some others.

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