Thursday, March 18, 2010

Oh no he didn't!

Two funny (in a not so funny way) things happened to me yesterday.  The one has something to do with the title of this post but I will get to that in a minute.

First one...
I stood in front of the fridge, door open, eyes searching for the sour cream.  One container sat right in front in the over crowded second shelf.  Picking it up I contemplated if it was the new one or the open one.  I reached behind it and picked up the other.  They felt about the same.  I put the one that had been in front up on the top shelf and looked at the one that had been behind it.  Yup, the open one.  I put the new one back on the shelf and turned to shut the door.  Now this is where it gets a little fuzzy.  I am unsure if I hit the sour cream on something or if I just dropped it.  I looked down and the container of sour cream laid on the floor on its side without it's lid.  Sheila ran to the other side of the room.  I slowly shut the door to the fridge as my eyes started at the container and slowly swept up the scene.  Sour cream splattered all over the floor, the oven, the cupboards, and my three year old son that had been playing on the floor on the other side of the door.  He was frozen in the act of pushing his car away from the scene of the crime.  His feet, back of his legs, and back splattered with sour cream.  Sheila and Timmy both look at me anxiously.  Is she going to lose it?  Is she going to explode?  Yup.  With laughter.  Then began the clean up.  Striping down the boy to his pull up and dumping the clothes in the laundry room.  Washing off his feet and then the floor.  Drying the floor before the kids could slip on the wet floor.  Oops, too late.  Down goes Timmy.  Then washing up the cupboards.  Finally the cupboards and oven are washed up and dinner making is resumed.

And finally...
My husband has wanted to switch cell phone services for awhile.  We have two dead spots, one that we drive regularly but it won't drop a call in that area but you can't make a call from that spot.  The other we only drive on occassion.  But he is convinced that we could get better service. I am happy with ours.  We have a good plan with roll over minutes (which is about 3000 right now because most months we don't use all our minutes.)  We also have a tower right by our house so we get great coverage here.  Our contract is not up until June or July so he agreed about a month ago that we could keep our current service until after our trip back to Idaho/Utah so we can use those roll over minutes.

Well, Tuesday Ray was able to leave after his promotion ceremony and since it was beautiful we decided to take a walk with Timmy and Kimberly before Sheila got home.  As we were walking he asked me again when our contract was up.  I told him but reminded him that he promised we wouldn't switch until we got back from Idaho.

Yesterday Ray asked me, "How would you feel about keeping our cell phone service?"

"I thought you wanted to switch?" I replied.

Then he showed me.  He had told his phone, "You have failed me for the final time."  And he killed it.  He punched it and the screen had broken.  I asked when he did that and he said a few days ago. He dropped his phone on the concrete a few months after we got it and since then it has had a lot of issues.  It would turn off sporadically.

So needless to say we have to get him a new phone this weekend.  I will probably keep mine (unless we get a buy one get one free) because we can't afford to replace them right now.  But at least I get to keep my phone service and my 3000 rollover minutes.

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