Thursday, March 11, 2010

Gotta Have Faith

That is what I have been telling myself for months.  Ray learned he received one of two promotions at the right time.  I was about to have our third baby.  We were planning on paying off the credit cards (done) and going to Idaho/Utah this coming summer.  Plus now that our house is 5 almost 6 years old it is starting to need repairs and upkeeps.  We knew that it would take a couple of months to actually receive the promotion so we didn't worry when it hadn't come by the time Kimberly was born.  We were hoping it would be here before my parents came the first part of November but knew that might be a little far fetched.  It didn't come.  Then we hoped to have it by the Holidays (Thanksgiving and/or Christmas.)  Nope.  For sure it would be here by the end of the year.  Nope again.  Finally Ray began asking about it weekly.  Found out the position he was given was having some major paperwork issues.  Three or four more slots came open.  I told Ray that they should just give him one of those since he was already told he would get the promotion and then when the paperwork cleared than they could refill the original slot he got.  That is what they decided to do but now came more paperwork.  Surely we would find out by the end of the month.  Nope.  Frustation and discouragement set in.  I wanted to be angry at someone but who was the question.  A ray of hope.  Ray learned last week that the people that approve the paperwork are just weekend warriors and drill weekend was this last weekend so surely we would hear something this week.

Friday I checked the pay website and his pay stub for the 15th had already posted (10 days early.)  No change.  I wept.  But still the weekend hadn't come so maybe.  Monday Ray's shop is called in for an announcement.  Ray crossed his fingers hoping it would be about his promotion.  Nope.  Someone else was getting a promotion.  Ray asked, "Does this mean I have to wait for another month to get my promotion?"  "No we should be hearing something this week," was the answer.

Okay, so it seems like they make announcements on Monday and Friday.  I will hope until Friday and then if we don't hear anything we will have to wait until next month and hope.  Each month we wait is a month worth of money I can't save for the trip home.

Yesterday Ray calls like he always does on the way home from work.  He said, "I have some good news."  Thinking he was going to tell me that he is almost home (that would be a little early and always calls and says that to me for little things) I ask half interested, "What?"  "I got my promotion today."  Bing, my attention is now focused.  "Are you serious?"  "Yes."  "ARE You SERIOUS?"  "Yup."  Wahoo!!  It was dated for the 9th so we should get a little back pay next payday since they already posted the old amount.  His ceremony is Tuesday.  A weight lifted from our shoulders.  We went out to celebrate last night.  (Sheila had a major meltdown at the restaurant so it wasn't much of a celebration.)  I know Heavenly Father hears our prayers.  Sometimes we don't understand the timing of everything and maybe there was something Ray and I needed to learn (like Patience, ugh I dislike that word sometimes.)  But I am so glad we finally got it.

1 comment:

Cher said...

Yeah Congrats!!!!