Monday, July 27, 2009

Grandma's House

We went out to the inlaws Saturday. It has been a long time since we have been out there and decided the kids needed to go. Usually Grandma and Papa pick them up here and take them to McDonalds or something since they live so far out. The kids enjoyed playing on the deck. They couldn't go down in the yard because the horses were out in the yard. (Timmy is pointing out the horses in this picture.) Grandma and Papa have five acres on a lake.
They also took turns riding the rocking horse.

Grandma threw out some dog food and a cardinal and his mate, and a bunch of blue jays came down to feast.
Grandma's little yappy dogs had puppies that were just over a week old. (Two litters) One had 3 very fat healthy puppies and the other had one fat healthy puppy and then a runt that might not make it. Sheila has always been very good with animals and she loved holding the little girl puppy. Timmy is learning to be good to animals and he did well holding one of the boy puppies.

Hopefully next time we go the kids can play in the yard (although the few minutes Timmy was in the yard he got in an ant bed so next time sneakers and socks will be worn since everytime we go one of the kids come back with feet covered in ant bites) and we can sit outside and enjoy the day instead of staying almost the whole time inside in the cool.


Razzle Dazzle Mom said...

Looks like fun! Ouchie on lots of ant bites though!

SkinnyJeanGirl said...

It looks like they had a fun time. Yuck to the ant bites though.