Tuesday, October 4, 2011


That is how I feel this morning.  We got home late from the fair last night and since Ray has class at 8:30 we decided to have him take the kids to school and let them sleep in a little bit.  That backfired in our faces.  I need to have one of the booster seats in the van so I can pick up Timmy so Ray put the one in his car and then we got the spare one out for Sheila (who legally doesn't need one anymore but the seatbelts bug her).  She threw a huge tantrum about it and we had to threaten her to get her in the seat and fight her to get the seat belt on.  I was so ready to make her walk to school. She does this almost every time we take her to school.  Now she is going to be late.  I told Ray to make her get a tardy slip from the office.  Also we will not be taking her to school again.  She will be getting on the bus every morning for now on.  And we got the new bus schedule yesterday and the kids bus is going to start coming 15 minutes earlier in the morning so now we really have to get up early to get them on the bus.  Why does she have to be so stubborn?  Why can't she see reason?

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Because she's 6. Benjamin is the same stubborn way. I'm sorry you have to get up and going even earlier. I hope Sheila starts cooperating for you. (This makes me glad we are only a few blocks from our school.)