Thursday, September 15, 2011

I'm Still Alive

Well, since the kids have gone back to school I seem to have no energy and no time.  I have tons of pictures (finally downloaded) that I hope to eventually will blog about.

Things that have happened lately:
1. Sheila lost her first tooth.  Never got a good video of her wiggling it although I tried.  I did get some pictures that may eventually make it on here.
2. We been painting our kitchen because we replaced the rotting back doors.
3. We got a new nephew.  Ray's younger brother and wife had their second.  Their oldest is just a few months younger than Sheila.
4. Timmy and Sheila started school.

Things that should be happening soon.
1. Finish painting kitchen and dining room.
2.  The fair.  I have a bunch of stuff ready and hope to finish about a dozen more if I find the time.  Some I have only a little bit of stuff to do and other's a little more but close that I should get done.
3.  Our baby.  Just a month left.  We are picking up a dresser this weekend and then I should finish organizing the nursery.  It's been hard with bags of clothes sitting everywhere and Kimberly and the baby's clothes squeezed into a small dresser.

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