Tuesday, December 15, 2009

"Calgon, take me away!"

...I exclaim as I throw my hands up and look heavenward. Well, not really but that is the kind of day I am having.

So it is payday and time to buy groceries. I decide to go to the commissary today and Wal-Mart tomorrow. It opens at 9 and since it is payday I know it will be busy. I nurse Kimberly and get the kids in the car. I get to the store about 10 minutes before it opens. Getting the kids out of the car I discover that Kimberly has not gone to sleep but is awake. Oh, oh, trouble. We get to the front of the store where the carts are being stored since the commissary has Christmas stuff where they usually are in the store. Timmy climbs into one of the airplane carts. Kimberly's car seat takes up the whole upper basket on that cart so I have to grab a second cart and pull it behind me.

We wait for the doors to open and then start our shopping. Kimberly soon becomes upset. I am trying to hurry but that's not easy with two carts. I keep missing things on my list. Finally after loading up produce and three aisles of stuff I head over to the bread area where they have a place to sit (and free coffee but of course I don't drink that.) I get Kimberly out of the cart and start to pat her back as I am contemplating whether to nurse her or not. She burps so I think we're good. Put her back in the cart and start to go. She starts screaming again. Out she comes again and after a few more minutes decide just to nurse her and get it over with. I nursed in the middle of the Magic Kingdom, theres not nearly as many people in the grocery store. no one really even notices. She is asleep. I put her in the cart and start off again. Immediately the table is full of the older people that always sit there. I was really surprised they weren't there when I got there earlier. Kimberly is good for about 1 minute and then she is awake and screaming.

Enough, I will just hurry. She screams for about two aisles and then is asleep. Good I can finish and get everything on my list. Oh, wishful thinking. I am almost done and she starts screaming again. I still have a few things I missed so I was going to go back and get those but decided just to get the meat (since I need some for tonight.) I drag both carts back to the back and start to load up on the meat. As I am heading up to the front I run into a lady from the ward. She tries to soothe Kimberly for me. It works until she stops. I get up to the front and luckily lots of registers open. It is then I notice it is almost 11. I have been there two hours. One of the checkers empties my cart while I get Kimberly out and try to comfort her. She promptly spits up, chunky stuff, all down my shirt and her. I wipe it up with the little blanket I use for a burp cloth.

The bagger takes my groceries out and puts them in the car while I get the kids in the car. I gave him a double tip because I had a lot of stuff (and that was only about a third of my stuff since I am getting stuff for Christmas goodie plates and Christmas dinner that I am hosting.) I get in the car and change Kimberly and then start to nurse her. My stomach is already hurting but it suddenly starts cramping and I am afraid I won't make it to the bathroom. I had rolled down the windows so I quickly roll them up, grab my keys, the baby, and get Timmy and I out of the car. We run back into the store and into the bathroom. While running in Kimberly spits up again, this time in my hair. All I have is her blanket so I wipe it up the best I could with that. Kimberly is still screaming because she was nursing when I had to make a quick exit.

Once in the bathroom I am shaking, sweating, and having kimberly screaming I nurse her while I am sitting there. Timmy keeps opening the bathroom stall door. After several minutes I exit the bathroom and hope I can make it home this time. I get everyone back in the car. Kimberly whimpers all the way home. I get home and get everyone out. Now I have about 20 bags of groceries and a screaming baby. I just throw everything in the house. Dump the perishables in the fridge and freezer. Then I settle in with Kimberly. By this time it is well after noon. Finally about 1, just an hour ago, I got her asleep in the swing and I was able to eat lunch. My stomach still hurts but at least the worst has passed. Hopefully my trip to Wal-Mart will be less dramatic and eventful.


Cher said...

the joys of taking 3 to the store. I look at mothers that have more then I do and want to kneel down to them. the patience and courage that they have amazes me. I am making my trip tonight when the kids go to bed...Its a pain to track them out in the snow. And it gives me some freet ime to myself!

Razzle Dazzle Mom said...

Sounds like some kind of fun! I hope the walmart trip went better. Can I just say I don't know how long it will take me to go the store with two infants!