Monday, May 3, 2010

May Day Flowers and Potty Training

My five year old is so sweet.  On May Day we took Grandma and Papa to Wal-Mart since their car broke down and they needed groceries.  Sheila saw the flower display near the produce section and insisted she needed to get some flowers for momma.  So Ray finally let her pick out some to get me. She picked out some yellow tulips, which are blooming nicely on my table now.

I have dreaded potty training ever since it was a disaster with Sheila.  I have tried every few weeks with Timmy and he has cried and cried.  Today I prepared myself for the drama.  I told him he couldn't watch Clifford until he went to the potty.  I was shocked as he followed me to the bathroom and then sat on the potty with no tears.  He was so proud when he started to pee and sat there for several minutes getting everything out that he could.  He was so proud to pee on the potty.  Then he told me two more times he needed to go.  Only one accident so far today and that was right after his nap.  Here's to hoping that maybe I finally will have some success and soon I will only have one in diapers again.


Cher said...

Good luck with the potty training! My little trainer is doing great! If only we can get her to do #2 we will be set! I have found that she loves to play on the computer lately so I have been trying to bribe her with 10 mins of comp time if she goes #2. She has been doing great so I hope that she keeps it up. Let me know of any new tricks that you come up with!

Razzle Dazzle Mom said...

woohooo!!! Hope it keeps going so well!