Thursday, March 12, 2009

Sorry I haven't blogged much lately

Okay, so this may be difficult to write with a two year old on my lap typing on his keyboard (our old one) over me but I will try since I am feeling okay this morning. This pregnancy has been a lot harder on me. My first two I was able to take naps everyday and that helped but this one I am lucky if I get a small cat nap while Timmy is down and before Sheila gets home from school. I also have spells of nausea that comes in late morning/afternoon and last the rest of the day. Somedays it is not so bad but other days I am wrapped in a blanket with a book sitting in my chair all day while I watch the kids destroy the house. Ray has been keeping up with the dishes but the rest of the house could use a good cleaning so when I do have energy that is what I try to do. I haven't been on the computer, scrapbooking, sewing, or anything like that in weeks. I have been teaching sharing time this month so my extra time when I feel good is used up in planning those. I hope the second trimester will bring some more energy and that the nausea will get better. I will continue my year in the life of me blogs as I can and also try to write some blogs about our happenings now when I get a chance but they may be few for awhile.

1 comment:

Razzle Dazzle Mom said...

Sorry that you are so tired and not feeling well.. hope it passes soon!